

Claims Administration

Effective claims administration is the bedrock of a stable and solvent insurance program. McCabe Kirshner P.C. develops custom tailored roadmaps for the efficient, expedient and effective disposition of its clients’ risk exposure. It gives clients unprecedented access to directly participate in the outcome of their claims and to be more hands on than commercial claims administration platforms provide. Utilizing its in-house litigation team, the firm eliminates inefficiencies present in the traditional disconnect between claims administration and handling. If unable to litigate matters in-house, its attorneys can serve as Coordinating Counsel to ensure the interests of the client are being advanced by non-local counsel at all stages of litigation.

McCabe Kirshner P.C. has invested significantly in claims administration technology. Utilizing proprietary software, we provide our clients with detailed analysis risk at levels far beyond what traditional commercial loss runs provide. This data allows our clients to respond in real time to rapidly changing patterns in healthcare risks and to identify risk sources at the earliest opportunity.

8822 Niles Center Road
Skokie, IL 60077

